Saturday, November 29, 2008

thanksgiving break

hey everyone hope u guys had a great thanksgiving. ours wasnt the same but hey we made it work. my mom probley has a whole bunch about it on our blog but it was still cool with having everyone in our family at home plus was a good thanksgiving. i told my mom it was weird though cuz sometimes we go to grandmas and we didnt. i so miss everyone. i see pictures of grandma and grandpa and i and it makes me so sad. i miss u guys alot. well lets see i had to work the day we celebrated thanksgiving but i still got to eat with them. my job is so easy but so stress full sometimes. our head cook is leaving on monday back to mexico so its sad we are gonna miss him. but now we are getting this cook and he doesnt even read the ticket so we have this lady tht is deathly allergic to rice and he always puts rice. yikes. hopfully he will learn to read it and get it right if not thats scary but other than that i love my work. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I invite you to look at my blog, I congratulate you for yours, I hope that we keep in touch, kisses and congratulations