Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy Birthday

My 17th birthday(:
it was definately a blast. My dad and barb threw me a party in our backyard with almost all of our family.Morgan came and i had so much fun. Its crazy that im 17 but so exciting. Im glad i got to share my birthday with all my family i love them so much.

Prom 2010

My prom..I borrowed Stephs prom dress and i loved it. I went with a guy named joel. Prom was fun but im hoping senior years beats it. I love all of my family for helping me get ready that day...all that was missing was my mom.

New beginings

Moving to saint george was hard, I was scared and excited all at the same time. I never thought i was going to make friends. For only being here for a short period of time i have met some amazing people. I love my new friends and all the people i have met. I have already had some ups and downs since moving here but i love it.

Change for the better

Im sure you all know by now that i am living with my dad now. Im a little slow on the posting things. I am sad that i had to leave my mom but so glad i have such a great oportunity with school down here and getting to know my dad. I have been here for almost 5 months. crazy how time flys. i miss my mom every day and would do anything to be with my little brother but things happen for a reason and i love the change